Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Have you heard Flight of the Conchords? They're a comedy folk duo from New Zealand.
Go on Youtube and search for them, they're hilarious!
They have loads of songs, my favourite is "The Humans are Dead".
We're off to BA on Friday - I can't wait. Who doesn't love airports? And the French language?
Anyways, I'm trying to do IT homework. And IT IS HARD. How can you search for interesting blogs? THERE ARE NO SEARCH ENGINES FOR BLOGS.
Love Clare
OHHH Search "Albi the Racist Dragon" on Youtube =3


Mr N ICT Teacher said...

thanks for the link - I'm going to use it with my A-level Computing classes next year - yes we do binary at A-level Computing!

Big Tom said...

Flight of the Conchords rule! Also, check this youtube video.......